Monday 1 December 2014

Green Tea Smoothies!

Everyone loves a smoothie in the morning... well, we've found a way to kick it up a notch with our delicious (and healthy) Organic Jasmine Green Tea.

Green tea has become well known for its health benefits.  It is rich in cancer-fighting antioxidants and has also been linked to improved brain function, fat loss and more.  Best of all, it tastes great!

Here's a quick and easy recipe to make a Barn Owl Green Tea Smoothie:

  1. Steep 8oz of Barn Owl's Organic Jasmine Green Tea
    (1-2 tsp of tea leaves in 8oz of water at 180°F for 2-3 minutes) 
  2. Toss your favourite fruits into a blender - we like blueberries, pineapple and banana, but experimenting is half the fun!
  3. Add the steeped tea to the blender along with a few ice cubes
  4. Health Tip: Get even more out of your smoothie by adding a few kale or spinach leaves; or a teaspoon of either flax or chia seeds
  5. If you'd like to beef up the protein, add a scoop of your favourite protein powder or a tablespoon of greek yogurt. 
  6. Blend until smooth and enjoy!
Hint: try steeping a whole pitcher and keeping it in the fridge - now you've got brewed tea ready to make multiple smoothies.

Have a tip or a favourite smoothie recipe?  Share your comments!

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