Monday 29 September 2014

An introduction to Keemun

Keemun is the most famous black tea produced in China and the first to be produced in Anhui, where up to that point, only green tea was produced. 

The name itself is actually the "English" spelling of the Qimen County of Huangshan City, in Anhui province.

A tea with a relatively short history, Keemun was first produced in 1875 by Yu Quianchen,who had traveled to the Fujian province to learn the secrets of Black Tea production.

Keemun turned out to be a huge success and became a popular tea among both the Chinese and English.  In fact, Keemun is the most prominent ingredient in "English Breakfast Tea".

Keemun has fruity and floral aromas and a balanced taste that can display hints of bitterness or smokiness, depending on the variety and how it was processed.

While traditionally consumed "black" in China, the addition of milk and sugar, as is more customary in the West can enhance some of the flavours, creating hints of dried fruit and nuts.

Keemun pairs well with spicy foods (Indian, Mexican, Chinese), strong cheeses or vanilla-flavoured desserts.

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